Saturday, April 30, 2011

Baltane Eve - Saturn's Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

28th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
16th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
28th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Balsamic
Moon rises: 4:42AM EDST
Moon sets: 6:04PM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Fire
Sign of Aries
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: A tree of
your choice
Sun  in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:21AM EDST
Sunset: 8:13PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Are you
allowing yourself spontaneity into
your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 30th, 2011

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility....

Beltane Eve

"Unite, unite, let us all unite,
For Summer is a come unto day
And whether we are going we will all unite
On the merry morning of May."
___"Padstow Night Song", traditional Cornish song

At twilight this evening, May Eve, the great festival of Beltane begins, a great communal celebration that excludes no one from its embrace. Ancient Celtic celebrations involved the kindling of bonfires at this time - indeed, the name of the festival derives from 'bright fire.' The Beltane fire itself was kindled in a special way: evidence from nineteenth-century Scotland reveals that the wood had to be of nine different kinds, that it had to be gathered by men with no metal about their persons (metal being inmical to the faeryland), and that it had to be kindled without metal. The ancient method of fire-raising involved a fire spindle and a small piece of wood to create friction or by the rubbing together of two oak poles. This arduous task was traditionally performed by nine teams of nine married men - eighty-one firstborn sons.

Once the fire had been kindled, people danced sunwise round it and jumped through the flames. As the fire was dying down, the animals that had wintered over in barns and local pastures were driven on their way up to summer grazing, between the parted fire to ensure their fertility. Before the coals died out, people took fire from the ceremonial blaze to rekindle their hearths (which has been extinguished in every household prior to the festival).

"Welcome in the May by making your own fire or lighting a candle and singing May-time songs. Honor the coming of summer in your own way. Rise before dawn and wash your face in the dew tomorrow morning to receive the blessing of Beltane. If you have a partner, this is the best time for sexual fun and frolic."
[From: The Celtic Spirit by Caitlin Matthews]

Friday, April 29, 2011

Balsamic Moon phase - Freya's Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

27th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
15th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
27th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Balsamic moon at 12:27AM
Moon rises: 4:18AM EDST
Moon sets: 5:06PM EDST
Moon in Pisces v/c 7:49AM EDST
Moon enters the Cardinal Fire
Sign of Aries at 1:33PM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The silent
testimony of innocence in the face
of tyranny.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:23AM EDST
Sunset: 8:12PM EDST
Solar Question of the Day: "Which
of your abilities are you neglecting?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 29th, 2011

Balsamic Moon - (or waning crescent moon) rises before dawn and sets midafternoon. She is the last sliver of Moon seen in the eastern sky in the dawn and in the very early morning. The Balsamic Moon is the COMPOST phase of the lunar cycle, when the nutrients remain in the soil, providing nourishment for the next new seed. This is ending of one lunar cycle and the beginning of another. Keywords for the Balsamic phase are: transition, release, transformation, renewal, and purity. It is the time in a lunar cycle when you must let go of everything you have been working on that does not deal with current cycle issues. During this phase you reflect on the passing cycle and prepare for the new. Trust in renewal. It is important to separate from others now so you can clear the intellect of negativity. LET GO.  Become still and meditate.  Those who are born in the Balsamic phase of a lunar cycle possess the potential to be wise, insightful, understanding and patient. They are prophetic and unique.

Moon in Aries - The Moon in Aries lights a fire under our tails; it wakes us up, strips away our complications and our patience. We can make a fresh start but tend to shoot from the hip, move fast, and argue quickly. This transit is a time to initiate, speak up, weed, and honor independence. Aries Moon transits ask us to wake up and remember who we truly are, even if it bothers those we love or work for. Tempers, tears, and passions run hot. It's a time of new beginnings, intense activity, pioneering in any field, reaching out with emotional surges and impulsiveness. This moon transit can be a great tester of limits. During an Aries moon transit you may want to depend on yourself to get things done as there is also a certain amount of ego involvement. You might feel impatient now or want to initiate new things.
    Aries Moons are based on impulsiveness and acting on feelings of the moment, rather than the result of reason.  Sometimes snap decisions are made - later to be regretted. The force of Aries transits are felt in emotional surges, whereby we are highly assertive and enthusiastic. Aries is know for headstrong behavior and a tendency towards temperamental blowups. Selfishness could be an issue, so be extra sensitive to others. Moon in Aries is the best time to work magick involving leadership, authority,  rebirth, spiritual conversion, or willpower. Healing rituals for ailments of the face, head, or brain are also done during this period of time.  Those who were born under an Aries Moon sign are passionate, honest, fierce and big-hearted but intensely self-directed. They are happy to loan their fire to inspire others, just don't tell them what to do.

Freya's Day - Venus Day - Day of Sharing and Relationships .... there are minor magickal energies today for resolving quarrels with friends and lovers.


"We are from the beginning of creation
Without old age, without consummation of earth."
____The Voyage of Bran, early Irish text, (trans. CM)

       The faeries are the race of beings who live between the worlds, making their home upon the earth but usually apprehensible only to otherworldly vision. Every country in the world has stories about the faeries as the 'people between' who inhabit quiet country places but occasionally interrelate with human beings, exchanging favors for small gifts and courtesies, such as gifts of milk or food.
      Within the Celtic countries there is still a great respect for the faerykind. People and faeries are considered to be neighbors who must live in mutual respect. People are careful to build their houses away from routes frequented by the faeries, and refer to them only as 'the good folk.'
      Many stories relate how musicians have learned tunes from the faeries, or how humans have wandered into faery domains and lived with them there. Such tales may seem fabulous to those who have cliched images of tiny, gossamer-winged faeries who flit about from flower to flower; but faeries within the Celtic tradition are considerably more robust, some being even taller than humans.
      As Beltane (BEL'tenn-a) approaches, faeries become very active. It is believed that now and at Samhain, the doors to the faery hills are open, and that the faeries make their progress through the land. It is a time to be sensitive about our movements and intentions so that we do not disturb the fair folk about their business.

"Discover the faery traditions of your own part of the land. What spots are associated with faeries? What courtesies are customary? Respect their ways; leave them to their own affairs."
[From: The Celtic Spirit by Caitlin Matthews]

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Waning Half Moon - Thor's Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

26th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
14th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
26th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning half
Moon rises: 3:54AM EDST
Moon sets: 4:09PM EDST
Moon in the Mutable Water
Sign of Pisces
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The song of
Spring's new life
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:24AM EDST
Sunset: 8:11PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: ""Where
is the Spring in your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 28th, 2011

Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight, and Expansion.... 

Beltane - some bits of information

     Saturday evening, April 30th, is Beltane Eve.  Beltane is the midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. This is one of the four ancient fire festivals of Europe, also called the 'Power Gates', which contain the fixed zodiacal signs. The sign of Beltane is the Power Gate of the Earth element. There is a focused release of earth energy, the beginning of an elemental power tide and the full potential of the earth.
     Beltane is opposite of Samhain on the Wheel of the Year and this is the time when the worlds are furtherest apart while at Samhain the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. Beltane, May Day, or Roodmas falls on the first of May and is another of the spring festivals of fecundity and the moon, with special aemphasis on the living spirit of vegetation, newly awakened in spring. In Briton its eve is called Walpurgia Nacht and special emphasis is placed on rituals of protecting oneself from the evils of others. The fires of Walpurgis Nacht are called Beltane, still the Gaelic word for May. Huge bonfires were kindled on hills after which a large meal was prepared. When they had finished, they sang and danced around the fire in a ring. They leaped over the glowing coals or even through the flames. Towards the end of the gathering a large cake was brought out baked with eggs  and scalloped around the edge, called the Beltane cake. Pieces were broken off and given to each one. May Day and our month were named after the ancient Roman Goddess Mala, meaning to 'increase'.
     On her day, folks rose early and went 'a-maying' in the woods to the sound of music to gather flowers and greenery for garlands and gifts. Garlanded revelers went from door to door singing and were given gifts to insure prosperity of the householder in year to come. Sometimes the singers were accompanied by one woman completely covered in leaves, called the Leafy One or the Leaf Queen, to represent the vegetation.
     The Maypole or Maytree was a straight green tree, an embodiment of the tree spirit,  or spirit of vegetation. It was brought from the woods with much ceremony. Its lower branches were removed, its trunk smoothed and was set up in a public place. Its top was left green and fresh above the ribbon streamers and garlands of flower with which it was decked. Each dancer takes the end of one streamer and dances around the tree, thereby interweaving the ribbons, symbolic of bright colored leaves, flowers and fruit, all gifts of the moon goddess, giver of fertility.
     Your altar setup could be fruits, greenery, spring flowers, green and other bright candies, bowls of fruit, nuts, cakes and jugs of sweet cherry, peach, and apricot juice. Breads, fruit, and Hawthorn branches could also be placed on it.
[This information comes from Ffiona Morgan's Goddess Spirituality Book]

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

waning Half Moon enters Pisces

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

25th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hecate
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
13th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
25th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning Half Moon
Moon rises: 3:30AM EDST
Moon sets: 3:11PM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Water
Sign of Pisces at 12:57AM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The gift of love
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:25AM EDST
Sunset: 8:10PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
new influences are trying to come into
your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 27th, 2011

Moon in Pisces - The Moon in Pisces reveals our permeability. We dream, and need to ground our dreams. We care, but can become overwhelmed by our awareness unless we feel spirit working though us. This transit is a time to share, sense, meditate, nurture, soak, and find constructive ways to be sensitive.  With the Moon in Pisces we feel the world with compassion, heightened senses and strong imagination. We need quiet time in the temple or back under our covers to deal with sensory overload. A time to vision, listen to inner voices, allow creative juices to flow and touch each other with new awareness. During Moon in Pisces emotional life is more introverted, intuition is at its height and psychic energy is powerful. You are more able to get in touch with your deepest self, but it can also be a time of vagueness, unclarity and uncertainty. Pisces is about endings as a result of internal processing. With this moon transit you may notice a moodiness in others around you, yet it's also an opportunity to fully appreciate art and beauty.
   Many women have a good cry with Moon in Pisces, washing away troubles. Or you can be the compassionate friend for a sister who needs to share her troubles. We cry during Moon in Pisces because it's the most watery of all signs. Pisces Moon brings retreat into the self to do the internal processing and contemplation necessary at least once during the cycle. The outer world 'busyness' becomes fuzzy and vague. Issues are clouded and cold, hard facts slide through your fingers like slippery fish. Things are not what they seem, so don't be confused by this transit. Moon in Pisces is the best time to work magick involving dreamwork, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts.
Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time. For those of you who were born under a Pisces moon sign you have extra perceptions and need to build the strength (not defense) to match. You are sensitive, intuitive, responsive and compassionate; your dreams are a gift.

Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection....there are minor magickal energies today for honoring your ancestors and to do spells/rituals for clarity.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

waning Half Moon leaves Aquarius

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

24th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Medusa
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
12th Day of Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
24th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning Half Moon
Moon rises: 3:04AM EDST
Moon sets: 2:12PM EDST
Moon in Aquarius v/c 11:43PM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The perseverance
and power of heart's desire
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:27AM EDST
Sunset: 8:09PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "How does
your present way of life need to change?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 26th, 2011

Tiu's Day - Mars Day, the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire - Action Day

The Green Man

    The Green Man is most often depicted as a head with leaves and branches issuing from his mouth, nose, and even eyes. Some of these heads include vines and fruit, and several are actually Green Women. The face can be seen peeping out of the wood and stone carvings in many older churches and place of worship all over Europe. The Green Man also appears in many traditional festivals and parades. These foliate masks and men represent the spirit of the life of the land, of nature and fertility,
and some think they are images of Sylvanus, God of the woods. Today you can buy them in many stores and garden centers. Place one in your garden to encourage growth.
    With a little patience you can make your own Green Man head for indoor use. Inflate a balloon to roughly head size. Stand it knot down in a cup or bowl. Using newspaper and an equal mix of PVA glue and water, papier mache the front of the balloon, using several layers to make a firm base. When you are happy with the shape, pop the balloon and trim the edges of your mask. Cut eye, nose, and mouth holes and paint the whole in greens and browns. When this has dried, glue on leaves in an overlapping pattern so that the original shape is all but completely concealed. Make a discreet hole in the sides or top so that you can insert a thread to hang it from.  As this will not be weatherproof, hang it indoors, perhaps looking out over your garden.
" Take pride in your land
and use it caringly."
[From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year]

Monday, April 25, 2011

Waning Half Moon

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

23rd Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Medusa
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
11th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
23rd Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning Half
Moon rises: 2:35AM EDST
Moon sets: 1:12PM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Air
Sign of Aquarius
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Your spiritual
quest so far
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:28AM EDST
Sunset: 8:08PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
are your dreams telling you?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 25th, 2011

Moon Day - the Day of Remembering and Feeling....

Old Beltane

     Beltane was traditionally celebrated when the Hawthorn, also called the May, blossomed. A major fertility festival, it used to be traditional for the unattched to dress in green to signify that they were available and seeking a partner. These young people would then spend the night in the woods. Any child born of such a union was considered especially blessed and to bring good fortune to the village.
As a result both mother and child would be cared for by everyone. It is thought that one of the reasons why it is considered unlucky to bring May blossoms into the house is because this would have indicated an unsuccessful night! It is just as likely that the flowers would have given away the fact that the people of the house followed the Old Gods.
    When the Hawthorn is in blossom go and seek out a bush and, if you can, lie down under it and meditate on the festival and its meaning. Visualize the Goddess or Mother and the Horned God as her Consort, for this is the time of their marriage. Gather enough flowers to weave into a circlet. Most florist sell preformed wicker rings which are ideal for this. While you thread the flowers into the ring, focus on the meaning of this festival. If you were not able to meditate under the Hawthorn you can meditate wearing the circlet, otherwise use the circlet to decorate your home for the festival. If you have an image of the Goddess in your home it is nice to also create a smaller circlet for this.
"Give thanks for the gifts of the Goddess,
lest She decides to take them back."
[From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year]  

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Quarter Moon phase in Aquarius - Sun Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

22nd Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hestia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
10th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Alder
22nd Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Last Quarter - 10:46PM EDST
Moon rises: 2:02AM EDST
Moon sets: 12:10PM EDST
Moon in Capricorn v/c at 3:27AM
Moon enters the Fixed Air Sign
of Aquarius at 1:59PM EDST
Ceridwen's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The service
of parenthood.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:29AM EDST
Sunset: 8:07PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
mutual burdens can you lift from other's
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 24th, 2011

Last Quarter Moon - (Yes, it is really the last quarter phase this time, I don't have it wrong.) The Last Quarter Moon rises around midnight and sets around noon. Astrologically, the Moon is square to the Sun. She is visible from the time she rises almost to the time she sets. The Last Quarter Moon is the HARVEST phase of the moon plant's life - the plant gives her life so that others may continue theirs. Keywords for the Last Quarter are: realignment, revision, integration and cleansing. It is the time in a lunar cycle to take closing action, to follow-up and complete the activities begun at the New phase. During this phase you become aware of what is and is not working with respect to the achievement of your goal(s) for the cycle. The movement is toward integration. Open to your success. MANIFEST YOUR GOAL. Be responsible.

Moon in Aquarius - The Moon in Aquarius connects us to our community, reminds us that we are i this together. It asks us to make sure we walk our talk and integrate our philosophy with our politics. We abstract, communicate and work the crowd, but may be less intimate. This is transit of dealing with facts, organizing, political issues, desire to save the world through social action, connecting with others
in social situations, scientific pursuits, detachment, and the need to come and go without restriction. Aquarius moon's monthly transit is a dramatic mood change. Where Capricorn values tradition and caution. Aquarius indicates anything new, innovative, different or unconventional. Extremes of behavior occur during this moon, especially extremes of optimism and pessimism. Women feel the need to be friendly and social but don't want to be too personal or go too deep. Aquarius moon can be detached or rational rather than emotional and will change only if it's logical to do so. Aquarius is definitely her sister's keeper. She believes 'What happens to one woman happens to us all.'  Freedom is important now, and you need to live with as few restrictions as possible. Moon in Aquarius is the best time to work magick involving science, freedom, creative expression, problem solving, extrasensory abilities, friendship and the breaking of bad habits or unhealthy addictions. Healing rituals for ailments of the calves, ankles, or blood are also done at this time.  For one born under an Aquarius Moon is far sighted with a gentle stubbornness; they understand group dynamics and may be more aware in family, tribe, community than they are in their most intimate relations. 

Moon Signs and Moon Transits - The Moon changes signs every 2 1/2 days and sets mood and tone of the time. The Moon;s placement at our birth describes our relation to our home, soul, family and emotional lineage; it symbolizes our inner spiritual river and our lifetime mode of operation. The moon is fastest moving of all the planets in the zodiac. Her lunar transits indicate daily and hourly moods which can change as quickly as the moon's sign.
    Days of the month when the transiting moon is in your personal moon sign is a good time to work on your compulsions and unexplainable drives. It is also one of your personal power days.

Sun Day - the Day of Intent, Creation, and Renewal.... there will be minor magickal energies to rites/spells for banishing disease and/or addictions this afternoon following the moon's movement into the sign of Aquarius. 

The Days of the Week

    Just as the phases of the Moon and the seasons have their own magickal energies, so too do the days of the week.  Therefore, if you can work your spells on the appropriate days then these energies will be in your favor. The following outline gives the planet influencing the day, its color, and the types of magick it is most beneficial for.
Sunday: The Sun is its planet, color - gold and orange. Physical healing, health, vitality, confidence, hope, success, honor, and glory.
Monday:  The Moon. Silver, white the colors. Dreams, female fertility, divination, animal healing.
Tuesday: Mars. Red.  Courage, defence, conflict, endurance, physical strength, energy, surgery, male fertility.
Wednesday: Mercury. Yellow. Knowledge, study, communications, writing, improving the mind, inspiration, mental healing.
Thursday: Jupiter. Dark blue, purple. Luck, employment, business, wealth, riches, legal matters, improving magickal skills, spiritual healing.
Friday: Venus. Pink, green. Love friendship, family, affection, partnerships, spiritual harmony, compassion, earth magick, and earth healing.
Saturday: Saturn. Black. Duty, responsibility, familiars, building, binding, banishing, meditation.

   The above is by no means comprehensive and you may find that, with practice, you are able to add to, or even alter it. Of course there will be times when your magick cannot wait even a few days; in these cases do not worry that you are using the 'wrong' day, as the daily influences may add to your energies but they will not detract from them.
[From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year]

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Disseminating Moon in Capricorn - Mercury Retrogrades Ends!

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

21st Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hestia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
9th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
21st Day of the Cycle of Annwyn-
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Disseminating
Moon rises: 1:22AM EDST
Moon sets: 11:06AM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Earth
Sign of Capricorn
Rhinnon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Meditate upon
a poem that enlivens your spirit.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:31AM EDST
Sunset: 8:06PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
memories do you most appreciate?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 23rd, 2011

Moon in Capricorn -    The Moon in Capricorn inspires our ambitions for good or ill, we just have to gentle on our souls if we're not there yet. Lead and manage, but do not manipulate or control. This transit is a time to =: organize, exercise discipline, work on foundations, make practical progress on a dream.  Moon in Capricorn brings planning magick and takes your ideas, giving them form and hope.
We can tap into the inner wisewoman - ask how form, ritual, organization or tradition can serve. Moon in Capricorn is the best time to work magick for organization, ambition, recognition, career, and political matters. Healing rituals for the knees, bones, teeth, and skin are also done at this time. Those born under a Capricorn moon sign have a strong work ethic, competence, and leadership capacity, but may need to learn to love themselves holding still. 

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility - Foundation Day..... there minor magickal energies for working rites/spells of protection....

Mercury Retrograde ends today - Mercury will appear to reverse itself from its backward journey at 6:03AM EDST.  As Mercury approaches the end of its three week odyssey of appearing to move backward, it goes into its final phase - that of stationary direct.  In that phase it will hover four or five days before appearing to return to its direct direction and several days after it has gone direct it in the specific degree of a sign. During these charged, powerful days of this threshold station, a feeling of release and relief pervades the atmosphere. Mercury has been and still in the sign of Aries... and you feel many things are happening at once and the atmosphere may feel electric with mental anticipation and renewal of activity even tho we are also currently in two Earth signs - the Sun in Taurus and the Moon in Capricorn.  So while it may take a little while we will find that what has seemed to be scattered begins to fall into place in our lives, decisions are reached, clarity of mind dawns as what has been hidden the past few weeks emerges into plain view and projects receive the green light. As Mercury moves forward so, too, can we go forward with our plans, unhampered by introspection.  When Mercury may officially go 'direct' and move forward in the skies, many astrologers still advise their clients to make as slow and conscious reentry as possible. For one thing, they say, it will take several more weeks before Mercury, even though it is moving quickly in the skies, will reach that degree in the zodiac where it first stationed retrograde - this is called the shadow period. As is explained at website:   "Everything finally straightens out on May 11th, as he passes the point where he first turned retrograde."  
[Not only did I get some of this information from the above mentioned website but also I found information about Mercury returning direct in Pythia Peay's book Mercury Retrograde. This is a most excellent book on the subject and I highly recommend it for your astrological book collection.]

Note: I made a huge mistake on the moon phase infor on April 21st.  I posted that the moon was entering the Last Quarter but I should have said the Disseminating Moon phase.  I corrected that post if you want to go back to it and read the correct information..... Sobeit

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Disseminating Moon Phase

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

19th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
7th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
19th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Disseminating - 5:47AM
Moon rises: 12: 03AM EDST
Moon sets: 9:01AM EDST
Moon in the sign of Sagittarius
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation:  Your relationship
to your country.
Sun in Taurus
Sunrise: 6:34AM EDST
Sunset: 8:04PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
needs clarification and what
motivations underlie it.?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 21st, 2011

Disseminating Moon - The Dissiminating Moon is the waning full moon getting visibly smaller. She sets rises midevening and sets midmorning. She is visible from the time she rises almost until she sets. As we gp into the darkening phase of the disseminating moon, we get the FRUIT of the moon plant's life cycle- the fruits of wisdom and experience. For those born in a disseminating moon phase life must have meaning, purpose. They enjoy sharing their ideas with others.  Keyword for the Disseminating moon phase are: demonstration, distribution, sharing and introspection. It is the time in a cycle to further process your advancement toward your goal by looking at the results of your adjusting action taken at the Full phase. During this phase you gain clarity by sharing what you've learned through awareness. Demonstrate your power of abundance by giving back to your community. Visit friends. Distribute your knowledge. SHARE. Reach out and touch someone.
Thor's Day - Jupiter Day, the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion.....

Lyrids Meteor Shower begins to appear in the sky at night - here is a link to go to and learn more about April occurrence:

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Waning Gibbous Moon enters Sagittarius - Sun enters Taurus

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

18th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Demeter
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
6th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Sailler/Willow
18th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning Gibbous
Moon sets: 8:05AM EDST
Moon rises: 11:35PM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Fire
Sign of Sagittarius at 12:53AM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The promise
of horizons.
Sun enters Taurus 6:17AM EDST
Sunrise: 6:35AM EDST
Sunset: 8:03PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day? "Is your
criticism undermining someone or
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 20th, 2011

Moon in Sagittarius - The Moon in Sagittarius gets us moving; it brings cheerful impatience and refreshing honesty. We need wide open minds, souls, and attitudes, but can't sit still. Time to get honest,
forgive, dance, hike, explore, and connect to the natural world. Moon in Sagittaius brings out our inner-Artemis; we need to roam, to explore in body and soul. Our curiosity intensifies. The Moon in Sagittarius is the best time to work magick for publications, legal matters, travel, and truth. Healing rituals for ailments of the liver, thighs, or hips are also done at this time. Those born under a Sagittarius moon sign are funny, restless, freedom-loving and direct; they natural global citizen but need also to look for answers at home. They can accept the wild in all sentient beings. 

Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection ....

Sun in Taurus - The Sun has entered Taurus. As an Earth sign this indicateds a down-to-earth attitude, practicality, resourcefulness and common sense. It is also a Fixed sign, bringing qualities of persistence, reliability, stability, strong reactions and stubborness.  Those born under this Sun sign are generally self-restrained, intense, practical and steadfast. The typical Taurean is quiet, reflective, patient, for-bearing, but very determined. They really need stability, security and reassurance. They are methodical but can be set in their ways and opinions. They are very affectionate and home loving with an appreciation of the good things in life. Once a Taurean has made up their mind it is almost impossible to change it. Being methodical they are ideally suited to work where patience and perseverance are needed. On the negative side they can be possessive, overpowering, and self-centered. Their desire to avoid conflict can result in problems escalating rather than being resolved.
   Taureans will find this peiod good for reflection and self-care. It is also a good time for any form of building or construction, especially DIY.  However, in relationships they need to be careful not to be cloying or clingy, and to give their partners enough room to breathe. They should ensure that they take extra care of their throats at this time. Others will find this a good time for all matters involving the physical realm: the home, the garden and the body. It is also a good time for tackling difficulties which require a methodical approach.
{From Kate West's "The Real Witches' Year]

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Waning Gibbous Moon in Scorpio

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

17th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
5th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
17th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn-
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waning Gibbous
Moon sets: 7:16AM EDST
Moon rises: 10:28PM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Water
Sign of Scorpio
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The release
of forgiveness
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:37AM EDST
Sunset: 8:02PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
new concepts are coming into your
understanding? How do they affect
your present understanding?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 19th, 2011

Moon in Scorpio - The Moon in Scorpio gives us attitude and brings out our primal side; it sharpens our curiosity and our edges, our focus to the point of obsession. Fluff doesn't cut it; get real or let it go; honor privacy, don't crowd. This transit is the time to investigate, dig deep, weed, do surgery, keep secrets and love each other up. Moon in Scorpio is the best time to work magick involving sexual matters, power, psychic growth, secrets and fundamental transformation. Healing rituals for ailments of the reproductive organs are also done during this period of time. Those who were born under a Scorpio moon are intense, fiercely curious, and need to create solitude with healthy boundaries rather than isolation.

Tiu's Day - Mars Day, the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire.....

Reading the Tarot - When you get a new deck of Tarot cards, take them from the box and replacing any advertising cards and the little book, wrap them in a silk or cotton cloth. Sleep with them under your pillow for three nights to make them yours. During the days shuffle them, examine them and familiarize yourself with their contents. When you feel ready, start to use them. At this stage it is useful to have a notebook handy to help you analyze the cards.
   Each evening, shuffle the deck while focusing on the following day. Take 3 cards and place them face down in front of you. Now turn over the first, which denotes the morning, note it in your book and write any thoughts and feelings which come to you. Repeat this with the second for the afternoon and the third for the evening. Place the 3 cards within the book until the end of the day. At this time look again at each of the cards and your notes: how did the cards relate to the events of the day? Were the notes you made appropriate? Now return the cards to the pack and repeat the exercise later in the week. If you are very keen you could do this every day, but be aware that it is easier to learn your cards if you do not overload you memory.
    When you feel that you are beginning to know and understand your cards well, it is time to move on to more complex spreads, at least one of which will probably be in that little book you placed to one side in the beginning.
    Remember this when learning about your tarot deck: "Skills worth having take time to acquire."
[This little essay and advice come from Kate West's book "The Real Witches' Year"]

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Full Moon - in Libra

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

15th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
3rd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
15th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Full - 10:43PM EDST
Moon sets: 5:58AM EDST
Moon rises: 7:58PM EDST
Moon in Libra v/c 10:43PM EDST
Rhiannon's Moon Cycle
Lunar Meditation: The integrity
of your vocation.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:40AM EDST
Sunset: 8:00PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
message is your body trying to
tell you?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 17th, 2011

Full Moon - The Full Moon rises at sunset and sets at sunrise. Astrologically the Sun and Moon are in opposition (i.e. opposite each other in the sky and in opposite zodiac signs). She is visible all night long from moonrise almost until she sets. She opens and blossoms during the Full Moon into the FLOWER, with the desire to share her beauty with others. Keywords for the Full phase are: fulfillment, illumination, realization, and experience. It is the time in a lunar cycle that you given a clear view so that you can make adjustments to put you back on track to manifesting the goals you set at the new phase.
Go to a public place. Do something with a friend. LISTEN. Receive awareness. Understand others.
For those born during a Full Moon phase enjoy companionship and partnership and desire to merge deeply. Fulfillment and illumination are their goals. This Full Moon is sometimes called the Seed Moon or the Healing Moon. 

Sun Day - is the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal..... there are Major magickal energies for spells/rite for Vigor. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Waxing Gibbous Moon enters Libra - Full Moon tomorrow

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

14th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
2nd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
14th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous
Moon sets: 5:22AM EDST
Moon rises: 6:41PM EDST
Moon enters the Cardinal Air
Sign of Libra 3:59AM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The inheritance
of your blood.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:41AM EDST
Sunset: 7:59PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
experience of life do you most crave?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 16th, 2011

Moon in Libra -  The Gibbous Moon enters Libra early this morning in preparation for the Full Moon tomorrow night.  The Moon in Libra opens our sociability, brings a friendly, egalitarian vibe, and encourages us to connect. Bread and roses: we need beauty like we need air. This transit is a time to seek justice, romance, meet, approach, create, beautify, find our core balance, and balance our needs
with others. In a Libra Full Moon transit it is important to find balance within the structure. Celebrate, have a party ritual, but also leave time for healing work. Moon in Libra is the best time to work magick involving artistic work, justice, court cases, partnerships and unions, mental stimulation and karmic, spiritual or emotional balance. Healing  rituals for ailments of the lower back or kidneys are also done during this period of time. Those who were born under a Libra Moon sign are the peacemakers, but need to remember to keep themselves in the equation. They see the beauty and seek fairness, help us understand one another.

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility ... there Major magickal energies today for doing rites/spells for Justice. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Freya's Day - waxing Gibbous Moon

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

13th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Gaia
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
1st Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Saille/Willow
13th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing Gibbous
Moon sets: 4:51AM EDST
Moon rises: 5:25PM EDST
Moon in Virgo v/c 1:15PM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The invitation
sent by your dreams
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:43AM EDST
Sunset: 4:51AM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Who
are you trying to control?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 15th, 2011

Freya's Day - Venus Day, the Day of Sharing and Relationship....there are Major Magickal energies today for boosting spells regarding Romance.  Do this magickal work before the moon goes void of course.

Pentagrams and Pentacles

     A Pentagram is an equal-armed five-pointed star, the points representing the five Elements of Air,
Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit. The Pentacle is a Pentagram within a circle. The circle represents the Circle which is the Sacred Space, as well as the circle of the fellowship of Witches.
     The Pentagram is drawn in the air to invoke or banish the Elements. Each Element has its own invoking and banishing Pentagrams, although the Earth Pentagram is sometimes used for general invoking and banishing. A Pentagram drawn or engraved onto a metal, stone or wooden surface is also used on the Altar to represent the Element of Earth, although one can also be drawn in salt for the same purpose or to act as a way of magically cleansing or empowering an object or spell. Rarely, the Pentacle is drawn on the ground to denote the Sacred Space although this is more the domain of the Ritual Magician than the Witch.
     In some traditions different Pentagrams are worn to denote different degrees of initiation. The  first degree is worn point upwards, the second point down and the third is topped by a triangle. An alternative system has the first as a triangle, the second as a Pentagram and the third as before. Usually these symbols are only worn within the Craft, not as a daily decoration. Having said that, both Pentagrams and Pentacles are worn by Witches as a symbol of their Craft, but as they are also worn by others, they are not a reliable indicator that a person is a Witch.
"Strength in your convictions means
not needing others to share them."
[From Kate West's book "The Real Witches' Year"]

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gibbous Moon phase this evening - Moon moved into Virgo this morning

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

12th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
28th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
12th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Gibbous 6:24PM EDST
Moon sets: 4:20AM EDST
Moon rises: 4:10PM EDST
Moon in Leo v/c 12:14AM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Earth
Sign of Virgo at 2:40AM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The compassion
of memory.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:44AM EDST
Sunset: 7:57PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
enslaves you and how can you be free?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 14th, 2011

Gibbous Moon - The Gibbous moon rises midafternoon and sets before day. She is the bulging Moon getting ready to be full, visible soon after she rise until she sets. The Gibbous Moon is the BUD of the moon plant, the pulse of life tightly wrapped, wanting to expand. Keywords for the Gibbous phase are: analyze, prepare, and trust. It is the time in a lunar cycle to process the results of the actions taken during the First Quarter. During this phase you are gathering information. Give up making judgements, it will only lead to worry. Your knowledge is incomplete. Laugh. Analyze and filter. LOOK WITHIN.

Moon in Virgo - The Moon in Virgo sends us back to work and gives us a to-do list. We become impatiently aware of what needs to be improved, fixed or healed. Our compassion is strong, but we can get irritated at less industrious folk. This is a transit in which it is time to edit, critique, care, exercise, investigate, study, heal but be gentle with others. This Moon transit asks us to consider what needs healing, what needs composting. It's time to study, learn, train, organize and turn our compassion into pragmatic action. Don't get stuck in your head. During this transit important issues are practicality, organization, cleaning up your diet or your house, healing y6our body or offering healing to others and attending to loose ends. After the Leo party, it's time to clean up our act and turn our attentions to the matter of our health and hygiene. Practical Virgo cleans the house, sets things in order, washes the dog, and cleans up the garden - prepares it for planting.  It's a time of taking responsibility and cleaning up the messes we've been leaving, Virgo brings painstaking attention to detail; housecleaning is a good way to work through a Virgo transit.  During a Virgo Moon transit women are mentally active but there is a tendency to excessive criticism both of oneself and others. Emotionally it is an inward time, when we can reflect on personal relationships. Moon in Virgo is the best time to work magick involving employment, intellectual matters, health, and dietary concerns. Healing rituals for ailments of the intestines or nervous system are also done during this period of time. For those who were born under a Virgo Moon - they are curious, responsible, caring, but need to cultivate gentle acceptance of self and others.

Thor's Day - Jupiter Day, the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion.....There are Major magickal energies today for Financial Gain and minor magickal energies for good luck.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Waxing Half Moon in Leo - Woden's Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

11th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Hera
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
27th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
11th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing Half Moon
Moon sets: 3:47AM EDST
Moon rises: 2:57PM EDST
Moon in the Fixed Fire Sign
of Leo
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The itinerary
of your spiritual quest.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:46AM EDST
Sunset: 7:56PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
significant patterns are emerging from
the last year of your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair)Quarter
of the Year
April 13th, 2011

Woden's Day - Mercury Day, the Day of Communication and Connection....there are minor magickal energies today for doing divination and working elemental magick. 

The Elements

      For magick, or indeed life, to work well, the Elements of Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Spirit must be in balance. Each Element corresponds to things in our lives, has representations in magick and correspondences to help us know and associate with it. Knowledge of the Elements is essential to the Craft.
    Air, from the gentlest breeze to the strongest wind, represents our thoughts, and therefore the beginning and planning stages of all actions. Air is represented in the Circle by the direction of East, and the color yellow. It is the Season of Spring and the morning.
    Fire, whether the flame of a candle or the brilliance of the Sun, is our passions and enthusiasms, our strongest energies and the aspect which makes us decide to carry out our plans. Its direction is South, its color is red. It is Summer and the afternoon.
    Water, from the tiniest drop to the oceans, is our emotions, feelings, tears and laughter, the part which imbues a project with feeling. Its direction is West and its color blue. It is Autumn and the evening.
    Earth, the soil, rocks and mountains, is our physical body and the physical realm; it is putting plans into action. Its direction is North, the place of power, its color is green. It is Winter and the night.
    Spirit is the Goddess and the God; it is the spark of life. It is the self within and our individuality. It is the center of the Circle and is represented by the colors violet, white and many others. It is all seasons and all times of day.
    As Kate West says: "Unbalanced magick is like a chair with a short leg: wobbly."
[From Kate West's book "The Real Witches' Year" ]

Monday, April 11, 2011

First Quarter Phase - Moon enters Leo

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

9th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
25th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
9th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: First Quarter - 8:05 EDST
Moon sets: 2:34AM EDST
Moon rises: 12:36PM EDST
Moon in Cancer v/c 2:26PM EDST
Moon enters the Fixed Fire Sign
of Leo at 11:37PM EDST
Rhiannon's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The blessing
of fire
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:49AM EDST
Sunset: 7:54PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Is
complacency clogging up your
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
for the Year
April 11th, 2011

First Quarter Moon - The First Quarter Moon (or waxing Half Moon) rises around noon and sets around midnight. Astrologically, the Moon is square to the Sun. She is visible from the time she rises until she sets.  The First Quarter Moon is the GROWTH phase. Roots go deeper, stems shoot up and leaves form as she creates a new strong body. Keywords for the First Quarter phase are: action, expression, growth, breaking away. It is the time in a lunar cycle to take the initial action necessary to achieve your goal by expressing your needs and desires. FEEL & MOVE. Make phone calls. Write letters. Dance. Act now. 

Moon in Leo - Late tonight (11:37PM EDST) the moon moves into the sign of Leo. The Moon in Leo illuminates our extroverted sides; we brim with generosity but can get stuck in our own perspective. This is a transit in which to: shine, express, dramatize, celebrate, create, appreciate, stage, reach out and be generous with our attention; watch assumptions and do not push the stubborn. Moon in Leo is the best time to work magick involving authority, power over others, courage, fertility, or childbirth. Healing rituals for ailments of the upper back, spine or heart are also done during this period of time.
Those who were born under a Leo Moon sign can fill a room with personality and make the most of any situation, but may need to learn to honor the quiet, the mundane, or another's reality.

Moon Day -  the Day of Remembering and Feeling......

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon in Cancer - Sun Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

8th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
24th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
8th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn - Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon sets: 1:51AM EDST
Moon rises: 11:30AM EDST
Moon in the Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: The welcome of
liked-souled friends.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:50AM EDST
Sunset: 7:53AM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "How
is beauty seeking to express itself
in your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 10th, 2011

Sun Day - is the Day of Intent, Creation and Renewal - Creation Day......  there are minor magickal energies to work with animals today.
"Hoof or paw or claw or feather
Ever we will walk together
Past the veil to the worlds of nether
Spirits free, no chain, no tether."
From "Season of the Witch" datebook

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Waxing Crescent Moon moves into Cancer this afternoon

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

7th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Kore
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
23rd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
7th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon sets: 1:02AM EDST
Moon rises: 10:30AM EDST
Moon enters the Cardinal Water
Sign of Cancer at 5:02PM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: A story of your
choice that moves you.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:52AM EDST
Sunset: 7:51PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
have you been struggling with and
how does it challenge you?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 9th, 2011

Moon in Cancer - The Moon in Cancer deepens our feeling; our moods are stormy and vast, our hunger and desire to feed others sharpens. We protect our own, nest in our own cave, need to know we're safe. Hunger grows, but for more than food. Cancer encourages the wisdom rising out of our oceanic unconscious through moods and feelings.  Ground in the magick of our home (earth) as a temple. This transit concerns desires about a home, emotional security, entertaining friends, cooking, security issues, nostalgia, and the desire to nurture. Women are emotionally and psychically sensitive at this time, and due to these strong emotions it is a 'crybaby' moon. Cancer is the home of the moon, sensitive planet of emotions, so feelings are easily hurt, especially by personal criticism. Handle with care. Nostalgia reigns supreme. This is not a transit when its easy to be alone as needs security in love and friendship are high. Be careful to avoid conflict, as a grudge formed now will take a long time to heal. If you want your hair to grow quickly, have it cut in a Cancer Moon.  Moon in Cancer is the best time to work magick for home and domestic life. Healing rituals for ailments of the chest or stomach are also done at this period of time.  Those who were born under a Cancer Moon sign can be wonderfully nurturing to our culture, body, and soul when we feel safe. Early mother/home issues can be composted into empathic understanding.

Saturn's Day - the Day of Manifestation and Structure, Assessment and Responsibility - Foundation Day.... Saturday is a day filled with opportunities to clean up and clear out. Saturdays are traditionally days to work on protection, remove obstacles, bind troublesome or dangerous individuals and banish negativity. Saturdays are like a magickal 'let's clean house' day. Any magickal messes left lying around that need to be addressed or any problems that need to be cleared up are best dealt with on the day devoted to Saturn. 

Removing a Nuisance -

     It would be wonderful to be surrounded by people who were a pleasure to be with, but life isn't like that.   Occasionally there is someone who we would dearly love to be free of, like a persistent admirer, an irritating neighbour. However, to do so would go against the Rede, and negative magick invariably rebounds on the person performing it. It is always worth trying to resolve our differences; perhaps you were not firm enough when invited out, or your noisy parties caused a breakdown in communication. If, however, you can find no way of resolving the situation and it really is making your life a misery, then it is time to take steps.
     First, rid yourself of all negative feelings towards this person. Take a bowl of rainwater to which you have added some sea salt and place the fingers of both hands into it. Visualize all your annoyance, pain and irritation flowing through your body, down your fingers and into the water. Repeat this on three separate nights, disposing of the water carefully each time. Set you Altar as usual. Take a black candle and inscribe the person's initials into it and pass it through each of the Elements saying, "I pass
this though Air, that their thoughts turn from me. I pass this over Water, that all their feelings turn away from me. I pass this over Salt, that they may move from me. I bring this to Fire, that they enjoy success and happiness elsewhere. Blessed Be."  Light the candle and visualize the person turning physically, emotionally and mentally away from you.
[From Kate West's The Real Witches' Year]

Visualization - this is the ability to create or to recreate a scene, set of circumstances, or even a function in such a way that it become 'real', and you can see, hear, taste, smell and feel it as though you were there. This is a key component of magickal practice. As Witches we can use visualization to determine the potential outcomes of a spell or magick, not just whether it will work but what ramifications or side effects it may generate. This helps to avoid doing spells which bring about unintended or wrong results. Remember that much mentioned phase, 'be careful what you wish for, for you might just get it.!'   Witches also use visualization in the actual working of our magick. Probably the most quoted definition of magick is 'the ability to create change through use of will power', but in actual fact it could be termed 'the ability to influence reality in accordance with the laws of nature'. This is why magick works best when applied to things which are based in nature, for instance, why you can work a spell to find work but not make money. Work, on the exchange of energy to bring about benefits, is a natural concept; the tiger chases its to gain its dinner. Money, however, is a man-made intermediary in exchange of energy and something which exists in the natural world. In addition to this, when working a spell which is directly intended to work on a natural process, it is more than a little helpful to understand the process. For example, healing spells are far more effective if you have a basic understanding of the actual healing process you are seeking to kick-start or accelerate. Being able to visualize those processes will make your magick work that much more easily and effectively. This works with any form of spell; the more clearly you can visualize the desired changes taking place, the better and more accurately the spell will work.
From Kate West's The Real Witches' Craft ]

Friday, April 8, 2011

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

6th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
22nd Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
6th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -

Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing Crescent
Moon sets: 12:06AM EDST
Moon rises: 9:36AM EDST
Moon in Gemini v/c 10:23PM
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Meditate upon
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:54AM EDST
Sunset: 7:50PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: ""What
boundaries do you need to pass through?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 8th, 2011

Freya's Day - Venus Day, the Day of Sharing and Relationship - Relation Day....

Finding a Coven or Mentor -
    While it is possible to learn the Craft alone, using books, it is often easier and more pleasant to work with others, or at least to have someone to talk to. However, finding the right person or group is not always easy, they need to reputable, to practice the form of Craft you seek, and you should be willing to meet their requirements. The best way to locate the guidance you seek is to work a spell and ask the Goddess.

Ensure your aims are clear. Do you desire a Coven, meeting regularly and practicing formal Rituals, or simply a contact for guidance? Are you prepared to travel, or content with letters, email, and the phone? Would you prefer simple herbal 'Hedgewitch' magick, or are you after something more complex? When you are ready, cast your Circle with a large white candle in the center. Raise energy by dancing, chanting, clapping and as you do so visualize building a cone of energy over the Circle. When you feel this cone is ready, light the candle and call upon the Goddess, "Gracious Mother, aid me to discover the one(s) who can guide me. Guide me in my choices, that I may select only those who will help me to follow your path. Blessed Be." Now focus on the candle and send your energy as a beacon of white light rising into the sky to draw the right contacts to you. Using the same candle repeat this spell every day for 7 days. Remember to use your common sense and intuition when making any kind of contact.

[From: "The Real Witches' Year by Kate West]

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Crescent Moon phase - in Gemini sign

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

5th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
21st Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
5th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: Crescent - 12:15PM EDST
Moon rises: 8:49AM EDST
Moon sets: 11:45PM EDST
Moon enters the Mutable Air
Sign of Gemini at 7:22AM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Your kinship
with humanity
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:55AM EDST
Sunset: 7:49PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Where
is love manifest in your life?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 7th, 2011

Crescent Moon - The Crescent moon (or waxing crescent moon) rises midmorning and sets after sunset. She is the first visible sliver of Moon seen in the western sky in the late afternoon and early evening. The crescent moon is the SPROUT. The seed has broken through the earth and reaches up as she ventures from the dark moist earth she has known. Keywords for the Crescent Moon phase are:
expansion, growth, struggle, opportunity. It is the time in a cycle that you gather the wisdom learned in the new phase and communicate your intention to move forward. Light a candle. Write or read an affirmation. LISTEN & ABSORB. Commit to your goal. Those who were born in a Crescent Moon must break from the past to create their own destiny.

Moon in Gemini - The Moon in Gemini wakes us up; we lose our concentration but quicken our communication. The conversation sparkles, our thinking broadens but doesn't deepen. The is the time to network, investigate, translate, brainstorm, mediate, edit, explain and broadcast. Build a web of understanding - absorb new information. This is a time of communication (watch out for Mercury Retrograde trip-ups) and other means of expression, freedom, adaptability, short journeys, reading or writing, desire for variety and having more than one thing going at once. You feel talkative and might want to work with your hands during the moon's transit in Gemini.
   All communication (talking, writing or reading) and intellectual matters are easier during Gemini Moon. Women are more adaptable and changeable, so take all statements and promises with a grain of salt, especially if the person has proven fickle in the past. It's a hard time to make any decisions, but a good time to use your wit and cleverness in conversation. There is a strong desire for variety and freedom, in emotional matters and in your environment. Issues of the practical world are set aside. Moon in Gemini is the best time to work magick for good communication, change of residence, writing, public relations and travel. Healing rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands, or lungs are also done during this period of time. Those born under a Gemini Moon sign can talk to anyone, think fast, multi-task, shift moods with grace, but need to choose depth and focus.

Thor's Day - Jupiter Day - the Day of Vision, Spiritual Insight and Expansion.....  there are Major magickal energies for Business Plans and in the AM there are minor magickal energies for networking.

More Alder information -

       Keywords: Building a Strong Foundation; Finding Strength through Convictions and Beliefs; Willingness to Sacrifice; the Gift of Prophecy; Resurrection and Regeneration. 

       Magical Associations:   Use Alder to lay a good foundation and strengthen your resolve at the start of any project. (waxing moon phases) Burn alder chips in incense during meditation to understand where you are in your life and to understand what it is that you have to sacrifice that you may move forward.(Gibbous and Full moon phases) Alder-based incense can also be used in ritual to break ties with a situation or individual from the past. (Waning Moon phases - these moon phases timings are of my own suggestion.)

       In Divination:  This tree represents Foundation - the need to build it, the strength of it and the lasting qualities that any good foundation should possess. Just as the Alder must be submerged for strength, it reminds us to be certain that proper conditions exist for our foundation to be properly set, lest it falter as it becomes tested.
[From: The Ogham and The Universal Truth of the Trees by Suzanne La Cour and Dean Montalbano]

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Moon void of course all day - Mercury Retrograde

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

4th Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Artemis
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
20th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
4th Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing New Moon
Moon rises: 8:09AM EDST
Moon sets: 11:10PM EDST
Moon is void of course all day.
Enters Gemini at 7:23AM tomorrow
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Meditate upon truth.
Sun in Aquarius
Sunrise: 6:57AM EDST
Sunset: 7:45PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "What
messages are others trying to tell
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 6th, 2011

Woden's Day - Mercury Day - the Day of Communication and Connection......  In "Seasons of the Witch" datebook there is in bold print No Spells!  The moon is void of course all day till  7:22AM tomorrow morning and we in the grip of Mercury Retrograde so energies put into spell casting will certainly go no where or else badly awry.  So take a day off and maybe catch up on reading or gardening cleaning.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Waxing New Moon - Tiu's Day

"I'm one with the Goddess
and open to Her Wisdom."

3rd Day of the 4th Lunar Cycle
Ruled by Persephone
Lunar Tree Cycle of Fearn/Alder
19th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Fearn/Alder
3rd Day of the Cycle of Annwyn -
Days of Avalon
Moon Phase: waxing New Moon
Moon rises: 7:35AM EDST
Moon sets: 10:11PM EDST
Moon in Taurus v/c 7:30PM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Cycle of the Moon
Lunar Meditation: Memory of ]
childhood games.
Sun in Aries
Sunrise: 6:58AM EDST
Sunset: 7:47PM EDST
Solar Question for the Day: "Is
your envy of others obstructing
your own achievement?"
Imbolc (Gwyl Mair) Quarter
of the Year
April 5th, 2011

Tiu's Day - Mars Day, the Day of Activity and Physicality, Passion and Desire.... there are Major magickal energies for spells/rites for Increase Productivity and Manifesting.

Alder Tree Month - The Alder is the shield tree, both on the physical and spiritual levels. Called 'the protection of the heart', it was highly prized. The wood is easy to work, yet very tough and when first cut the sap is red, giving the tree the appearance of bleeding. No doubt all these were reasons for its use in shield making. Nearly all parts of the tree can be used in dye making; the bark giving black, red, and yellow depending on the mordant used. Green comes from the catkins, the wood yield pink, early shoots yellow and later ones cinnamon. The bark is boiled and the resulting liquid is used to alleviate swellings, inflammation and rheumatism.
    The Alder is also a tree of balance, bearing male and female catkins, the male being larger with purple scales and yellow flowers, the female being smaller, somewhat cone shaped, purple and later developing into cones. Also, because the Alder often grows in moist places it is one of the trees which unite all four of the Elements.
     Because of its defensive properties Alder is often carried as protection, and a piece of Alder worn from the neck is said to be a good protection on spiritual journeys, such as meditation and astral travel. An Alder shield, made on the psychic plane through visualization, is a good addition to your Astral Temple. Male catkins and female cones can be placed on the Altar to represent the God and Goddess, during workings for balance, or added to a charm bag to bring balance into daily life.
[From: Kate West's book The Real Witches' Year ]